LDSBC Job Opportunity

LDS business college is looking for a teacher to cover 3 classes starting in the next couple of weeks (a teacher is moving out of state). It is something that is likely to continue as an adjunct position. It is not a posted position right now, but please send the info to people you think would be interested.

It is not necessary to be a member of the LDS church, but you are expected to abide by the honor code. The classes are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:40-4:00 and it is two writing classes (equivalent to freshman English) and a speaking/listening class. The semester (or quarter) ends Apr 13th.

Contact Christine Graham [email protected] 801.524.8168 with a CV if you are interested.

Master’s degree preferred. The position pays $730 per credit hour, and the classes are 3 credits each. Pay will most likely be prorated for the remaining part of the semester, which started on January 13, 2016.